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Not everyone can be a RSOA sponsor   We turn down sponsors 

Here’s the deal....  Companies realize we are the largest association in Texas and Louisiana, and have a strong presence in Colorado and Oklahoma.   They know our members are not spread out over 50 states and realize that RSOA forms partnerships with our sponsors. NO sponsor is accepted unless our founder Joe Sansone personally uses  and endorses their products or services.  Here’s a few examples.  

  • Joe only buys Double J Saddles for his personal use, nothing else works for him.  He loves the response he gets from students when they ride in Double J Saddles.  

  • Joe only feeds Bluebonnet Feeds to the 20+ horses at his ranch in Waller.  Boarders and training customers ALWAYS notice the change in the color and coat of their horses, as well as the energy Bluebonnet Feeds gives their horses. 

  • The exclusive vet for Joe’s horses is Dr. Decillo at Decillo Equine.  Joe personally credits Dr. Decillo with saving the life of his mare Lucille, a favorite of his students.  

  • KBarSam is the buckle sponsor Joe selected amongst dozens of other buckle suppliers.  Joe realizes the importance of the quality of buckles for riders.   RSOA riders expect the best quality buckles around.  RSOA (KBarSam) buckles are the favorite of the sorting and penning community. 

  • As a visitor walks through the stalls at Joe’s RoseMary Ranch, there are no water buckets, only Texas Superior Waterers.  In fact Joe was one of the earliest users of the first prototype when the product was developed.  Since then he has installed only Texas Superior Waterers.


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